i love food.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

alright my mum saw my cuts which is like a really really really long time ago about a month or so. and she was a bit angry but then afterwards she didn't care.

you know i'm starting to feel that cutting is bad way to relieve tension and that kind of thing
we should fag!
can you imagine if you cut yourself then there are scars and they take about 1week- 2months depending how deep you've cut and let's say you are that 2 month scar person then it would be really sad cos you've sort of "changed" then you see those scars and even if you dont feel that way anymore it's still there and people who see it will quickly categorize and stereotype. Therefore, cutting is bad. Wait this post is full of nonsense but i dont care cos i'm off to play sims2 bye bye losers.


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